We offer valley-wide mobile windshield replacement services. Call now for a free Estimate (480) 570 9293

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Driving with a Broken Windshield, How Risky is it?

Driving with a broken windshield can be dangerous beyond just the dangers you might already anticipate. Driving is not only hazardous to your life, but also for those in the car with you because it puts them at risk of being injured or worse if something were to happen...

December 10, 2021
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How to decide when a windshield needs replacing

Windshield needs replacing or repairing? – When you have a crack or chip in your windshield, how do you know when to repair it and when to replace the whole thing? It’s important that you make the right decision. If there is only one crack or chip on your...

December 2, 2021
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Mobile Auto Glass Repair or In-Shop Auto Glass Repair?

Auto Glass Repair in shop or mobile service – When you have a cracked windshield, the first question to answer is whether in-shop repair or mobile auto glass repair service will be best for your needs. For some people, it can be difficult to determine which of these two...

November 20, 2021
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Have A Crack In Your Windshield? Summer Heat Can Damage Your Car’s Windshield.

Summer Heat Can Damage Your Car’s Windshield – As summer heat settles in, local windshield experts warn motorists to get their cracked windshields fixed before it’s too late. With the increase in temperature and the extreme weather conditions that come with it, your windshield could crack worse than ever...

August 5, 2021

The importance of choosing a reputable Auto Glass Repair Company

Auto glass is a necessary part of our everyday lives. We use it for protection against the weather, as well as to help us view more clearly when driving or seeing through windows. If you’ve ever had an auto glass problem and needed to find someone who specializes in...

August 5, 2021

Factors To Consider Before Fixing Damaged Auto Glass

A well-maintained fleet can reduce costs and downtime. Drivers should be on the lookout for windshield cracks, chips, dirt or bugs that may compromise visibility. Chips and cracks on a windshield often go unnoticed, but these tiny imperfections can cause some of the most dangerous situations for drivers. A...

August 5, 2021

Window Care: Tips and Tricks

The glass on your car windows is delicate. Unlike other parts of a vehicle, you have to keep an eye out for air bubbles and scratches that show up as the window ages. When we think about caring for our car’s windows, it might seem like there isn’t much...

August 5, 2021

Some Difficult Windshield Stains and How to Get Rid of Them?

Stains on your windshield need to be cleaned than other stains on your car. Most of the stains come off easily with water or glass cleaning solutions, but some stains are pretty difficult to handle and can be an irritant. Here are some examples of the more challenging types...

August 5, 2021

Tips to Help You Maintain Your Auto Glass

The windshield of your car is one of the most important parts of your car from the safety point of view. In case of a car accident, this strong piece of glass will keep the structure of the vehicle in place to protect you and the passengers sitting behind...

August 5, 2021